September 20, 2011

More Than You Ever Wanted To Know About Me

I'm taking a short break from writing about writing to accept this challenge from my friend Susan Reinhardt, over at the Christian Writer/Reader Connection. Susan was inspired by her blog followers to share a little about her personal life. Susan, in turn, challenged her readers to do the same on their blogs. So here goes, my writer friends …

Here I Am From A to Z:

A. Age: Old enough to know now what I should have known 20 years ago.

Baked Goods: I wish I could taste my Grandma Fischer’s cornbread again. Even the best writer would be challenged to describe it. Oh, the smell of that cornbread baking in her oven!

C. Chore you hate: Any kind of paperwork. I’m a paperless writer, and I like it that way. I hate paper!

D. Dogs: I love big Golden Labs, but cats suit my lifestyle better, except when they want to hang out on my computer keyboard.

Essential start to your day: A morning prayer. Then coffee and writing.

. Favorite color: Shades of pale green.

Gold or silver: I prefer the warmth of the color gold.

Height: 5' 4." I wonder how tall I would look on the big screen. Have you ever seen an actor in person and said, “Whoa, he looks so much taller in the movies!”

I. Instruments you play: I played the flute in high school, and I was good at it. When I started college, I planned to be a band director. I played the clarinet semi-well and the piano not-so-well-at-all.

J. Job: Writer, writer, always a writer. Before I became self-employed, I worked as a writer/editor at Golden Books for almost 20 years.

K. Kids: Two cats and a ring-necked turtle dove.

L. Home: I’m a Midwest gal, and I must always be near water.

Mother: Betty Fischer What an amazing woman of God she was. Mom taught me about faith through her example, and she prayed me through life. I miss her.

Nickname: (Oh, dear)…. Jeanner Beanner.

Overnight hospital stay: Last year I had surgery for uterine cancer. I’ve been cancer free for 15 months, and I praise God every day for my restored health.

Pet peeve: When people are late.

Quote: "So don't be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time." Matthew 6:34

Right or left: Well, that depends on the topic. Like The Scarecrow said in The Wizard of Oz, “You could go this way, but that way is very nice, too.”

S. Siblings: None, but I have fantastic surrogates.

Time you wake up: I wake up when my alarm goes off and always with a protest. I’m not a morning person.

University you attended: The University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee.

Vegetable you dislike: Are cucumbers vegetables? Big dislike. I get hives.

What makes you late: I’m never late. (See the letter “P”)

X. X-rays: The idea of all that radiation scares me.

Yummy food: My name is Jean and I am an ice-cream addict and a coffee snob.

Zoo animal favorite: Big cats. I have a thing for cats’ paws. There’s something so perfect and lovely about them.

Were you surprised by any of my answers? If you want to do this exercise, jump right in either on your blog or a short version in the comments.


  1. Hi Jean -

    Love the quote, Jeanner Beaner! Hmm, in my mind's eye I saw you as taller.

    Thanks for the link. I thought this alphabet exercise was a fun way to get to know each other.

    Susan :)

  2. Hi, Susan.

    And in my mind's eye, I saw you as shorter!

    This was fun. Thanks for the inspiration.


  3. I am a green girl too and hate to be late or when others are late. Great list. I did one at my blog a while ago too, it was fun to compile! :O)

  4. Hi, Diane.

    This is a great way for us to get to know one another. Good for you for being a green girl!


  5. Thanks for helping us get to know you better! I really never thought about how tall you were, but it's nice to know if I ever have to find you in a crowd. :)

    This is a fun post, so glad you did it. I may need to give it a try.

    Have a good weekend,

  6. Jean FischerSeptember 29, 2011

    I thought it was fun, too, Karen. I'm grateful to Susan for suggesting it.



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